[ultimate_heading main_heading= »Booking Your Room  » main_heading_color= »#b3965a » alignment= »left » main_heading_font_family= »font_family:Playfair Display|font_call:Playfair+Display|variant:700italic » main_heading_font_size= »desktop:18px; » main_heading_line_height= »desktop:28px; » main_heading_style= »font-style:italic;font-weight:700; »][booking][/ultimate_heading]
[ultimate_heading main_heading= »Get In Touch With Us » main_heading_color= »#b3965a » main_heading_font_family= »font_family:Playfair Display|font_call:Playfair+Display|variant:700italic » main_heading_font_size= »desktop:18px; » main_heading_line_height= »desktop:28px; » main_heading_style= »font-style:italic;font-weight:700; »][/ultimate_heading]

Send us a message asking for an appointment or to ask anything you want from our Hotel WordPress theme, you can receive booking tips and tricks or schedule a session on our hotel to take care of yourself. Just tell us what you want I we will reserve your special room.