Once again, the New York Times has set its eyes in one of our destinations, highlighting it among the 52 places you have to visit this 2015.  The list that the travel section of the American portal prepares annually has placed the Elqui Valley fifth in their ranking, one that is highly expected among its readers and one with the widest distribution in the world of tourism.

The list, led by the city of Milan, underlines the Atacama Desert and its clear skies, a unique feature worldwide that has made Chile an astronomical global power.  In fact, it is said that by 2020 our country will concentrate 70% of the world´s astronomy infrastructure.

During 2014 astronomy was added among the experiences with which Chile promotes itself abroad.  Its good weather, low light pollution in many areas of the Atacama Desert and the quantity of clear night skies a year, are unique advantages that differentiates the country to other destinations in the world.

The stellar scenery has shown to be a great attraction among travelers, as the article of the New York Times assures, and the heart of this astro-tourism boom is the Elqui Valley, located in the Coquimbo Region, where vineyards and orchards, sprinkled with colonial towns and pisco distilleries are also found.

Continuing with its description, the portal affirms that at least half a dozen small observatories attend to those star aficionados, and that in the area it is possible to find family hotels offering suites with domes, glass roofs and telescopes in the rooms.

Aside from the Elqui Valley, the New York Times chose other 51 places in its annual list, among them Cuba, Philadelphia, the Yellowstone National Park, Singapore, Bolivia, Macedonia and Medellin.

Link : www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/01/11/travel/52-places-to-go-in-2015.html?ref=travel&_r=2